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RElife Coaching Services

Life Coaching Professional Services

At RElife Coaching Services, we are dedicated to helping individuals REbuild, REstart, accomplish their goals, discover their purpose, and increase overall happiness. We also offer a mental health component to aid in the relief and management of stress/anxiety and help with dealing with life's everyday challenges.

Our Services

Life Coaching, Goal Setting, Mindfulness & Mental Health Support

We offer a range of services, that are done virtually (online or via conference call), to help you achieve your goals and live your best life. Our life coaching sessions are tailored to your specific needs and goals, helping you to develop a clear plan of action and stay accountable. We also offer mindfulness coaching to help you stay present and focused, and mental health support to help you manage stress and anxiety.

Tree branch with green leaves represents life
RELife Circle Logo

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Virtual Coaching Services

Based in Charlotte, NC USA

Tel: 980.280.4488

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Thank You!

© 2023 by Kelli LaVerne, DD, Certified Life and Mental Health Coach


Outcomes are based on client participation and adherence to the plan/process outlined during the sessions therefore outcomes cannot be guaranteed. 

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