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I'm Kelli LaVerne also known as the RElife Coach. I understand the stigma that’s associated with coaching and counseling services and strive to provide clients with the most compassionate and understanding environment possibleI take an unique approach and strive to provide personalized advice and strategies that are tailored to their individual needs and goals. My goal is to help you can find the confidence and motivation to REstart and REbuild.


Allow me to help you discover what’s possible and set you on the path to living your best RElife!

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My Story

RElife Coaching was founded by Kelli LaVerne in January of 2023.

While going through a divorce in 2020 Kelli found it difficult to find an online community that supported those who were going through divorce, divorced or for those recovering from unhealthy relationships. Once she completed her recovery process (through counseling, therapy and prayer) she decided that this had to change! She enrolled in continuing education classes and after completing her coursework she started RELife Coaching Services. 

The mission of The RE Life is to assist (coach) those who are in the process of REnewing, REviving, REcovering, REstoring, REfreshing, REfocusing, REestablishing their lives or just looking for a fresh start, to achieve goals, fulfill dreams or begin again. 

Kelli LaVerne is a graduate of School of the Word Bible Institute, and Grace Bible College & Seminary. She is a Certified Self-esteem Counselor, a Certified Domestic Abuse Advocate and has a background in Christian Counseling. She's received an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity, most recently became a Certified Master Life Coach and a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC).



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